SPARX Health Management

SPARX Health Declaration

To realize our purpose of making "the world wealthier, healthier, and happier," SPARX hereby declares that we will create a workplace where the Group's executives and employees can work in good health and with smiles on their faces.

  • Our future growth rests on the shoulders of all our people, each being healthy and energetic.
  • We must value the health of our colleagues, work together to prevent illness, support each other when one of us becomes ill, and back our colleagues if their family members suffer unforeseen hardships.
  • We intend to create opportunities for people to learn about health and raise their health awareness. To this end, we will plan and execute events and programs that serve as learning opportunities and allow people to enjoy healthy food, products, and activities using all five senses.

Chief Health Officer
President & CEO Shuhei Abe

Shuhei Abe

Promotion Systems

SPARX Group's president and CEO takes ownership in promoting health management throughout the Group as its Chief Health Officer. With the Director in charge of HR as its lead, the Healthier SPARXON Project Team works to promote health management with the support of industrial physicians and health insurance societies.

Promotion Systems

Annual Planning Framework

The Healthier SPARXON Project Team prepares the annual health management plan in consultation with the Chief Health Officer for approval by the Management Committee and strategically promotes health management as described below.
It shares and reports on its plan progress to the Management Committee as part of utilizing the PDCA cycle for health management throughout the Group.

  1. March

    The Management Committee approves annual plans

  2. July
    • Review checkup data
    • Health issue survey
    • Stress checks
    • Post-checkup follow-up interviews
  3. August
    • Health data compilation
    • Interim health management plan evaluation
  4. September

    Progress report to the Management Committee
    Execute additional plans

  5. October

    Application for Excellent Health Management Corporation

  6. December

    Excellent Health
    Management Corporation feedback

  7. February

    Evaluate the fiscal year's health management plan

  8. February-March

    Create the next fiscal year's health management plan

Health management PDCA

Medium-Term Health Management Promotion Vision

Medium-Term Health Management Promotion Vision

Certified as Excellent Health Management
Corporations (SME Category)