Disclosure of Investor Relations
The purpose of our Investor Relations (IR) activities is to announce reliable information to the public in a timely manner. Our shareholders and potential investors can obtain sufficient information to understand our business and evaluate our company from IR activities.
1. General Rules of Information Disclosure
SPARX Group Co., Ltd. discloses information based upon Securities Listing Regulations of Tokyo Stock Exchange and the other rules. Other than the required information that we have to disclose as a listed company, we may disclose additional information for our shareholders and potential investors as needed.
2. Process of Information Disclosure
SPARX Group Co., Ltd. exercises extreme care to disclose information fairly, promptly and objectively.
3. Insider Information
Please note that SPARX Group Co., Ltd. only discloses information that is already announced in public or widely known in general.
4. Disclaimer of Future Financial Projections
Since our financial performance is heavily influenced by the stock market movements, it is difficult for us to forecast our future financial performance. Therefore, we do not announce future projections. However, we periodically announce quarterly financial results, as well as the AUM information as of the end of the month, which is one of the major factors affecting income source of SPARX Group Co., Ltd. Since quarterly results and AUM are especially important for our shareholders and potential investors to evaluate our company, we release the information in accordance with the policy for the IR-information disclosure.